Restoration - Part 2
Work at present (Summer 2006) is being concentrated on finishing the exterior of the coach body including varnishing, lining and lettering. The corridor is being prepared for final varnishing. Once these tasks are completed work will commence on building the seats.
It is hoped to return 7960 to Kidderminster within the next twelve months to re-unite the carriage with its bogies, carry out tests on the steam heat system, install a replacement dynamo and also fit newly overhauled brake cylinders.

The corner cupboard in corridor.

The gangway connection after fitting of the bellows. |

Door entrance from third to first class saloon. A remarkable transformation when compared with the photo on the previous page.

Corridor waiting for final varnishing. Note new serving hatch door into kitchen. April 2006.

Phil James flatting panels prior to varnishing. Nice legs shame about the...!
Next page: Restoration Part 3