On display in the McArthur Glen Designer
Outlet Swindon is the Valley's own 4930 Hagley Hall.

More TLC from the Friends. 4930 footplate
glistening in the morning sun.

A view of the underside of 4073 looking
forward. The very substantial cross-shaft connects the central
shaft from the vacuum cylinder to the two outer brake rods.
The RH brake adjuster is prominent. Squeezed between the
2 inside connecting rods are 2 sets of Walschaert valve
gear. On the right, above the brake rigging is the vacuum
pump, driven from the inside right cross head.

Good to many of the works building still
standing although most are now retail stores. Running parallel
with the mainline, this was the Iron Foundry.

And our very own 7325. Usually on display
in the main part of the museum it had been moved temporarily
to make way for the public launch of a new livery for the
modern day Great Western

The loco is very well cared for by the
STEAM Friends.

In the Museum itself is the very
first Castle, 4073 Caerphilly Castle.

0-6-0 Dean goods, 2516.

Probably the most well known of all GWR
engines, 6000 King George V.

7325. These wheels should one day be running
under a Grange class loco.

The footplate of 7325. Again the care with which the museum
Friends look after our locos is evident.