November 2023 Update
Work is concentrating on bodywork repairs to Churchward Toplight 2426 and fabricating all the internal doors and fittings. The scissors gangways have been made and we are beginning to put together missing partitions. The underframe and solebars have been stripped and repainted.
We are waiting access to covered accommodation in order to progress Hawksworth Brake Third 2242 and Bow-ended third 4786.
October 2022 update
October 2022
Work on Collett bow-ended corridor Third 4786 is progressing well with the corridor side nearing completion and the compartment side two thirds complete. This has enabled the team to begin work on Churchward Toplight Third 2426 in parallel, initially concentrating on the underframe and internal fittings.
Details of the ongoing progress of these two coaches can be found on the 4786 restoration page and the 2426 restoration page.
The repairs to Hawksworth Brake Third 2242 have been paused waiting the work on the roof and space in Bewdley yard for us to work on the interior. We hope to restart soon.
Charitable Trust Grant
August 2020
As many of you will know, the GW(SVR)A has been helping the SVR through lockdown by funding contract work that has allowed some of the C&W paid staff to remain working and bring in valuable funds for the Railway.
Initially this was to complete the outstanding work on 1928 bow-ended composite 6045, then on the mechanical work on newly acquired Hawksworth brake third 2242. The Association set up a 2242 appeal to help fund this work which was successful in allowing us to be able to afford this first phase of work. In order to continue with a second package of work on the roof and water tank, the Association applied to the SVR Charitable Trust for a grant. We are delighted to announce that our bid was successful and we were granted the full amount of £12,000. The committee wish to express their sincere gratitude to the SVR Charitable Trust for their generous support. This allows the phase two work to be completed. 2242 will then be moved to Bewdley for the Association volunteers to complete the internal fit out.
The 2242 appeal is still open to allow us to finish the restoration. If you would like to help us by making a donation you can find all the information here.
Hawksworth Brake Third 2242 Appeal
April 2020
The GW(SVR)A Committee have agreed to bring forward the mechanical works on Hawksworth Brake Third 2242 which will help the SVR to meet some of the costs of two of the full time carriage staff over the next few weeks. The consequence is that the Association need to fund the estimated cost of £15,000 which comprises:
- Checking each bogie for any missing items and fitting spares
- Cleaning and painting the rusty bits of the undercarriage
- Removing all pins and nuts to clean, paint, grease and refit
- Setting buffer heights, taking off each bearing spring hanger bolt, cleaning, greasing and refitting
- Testing all the vacuum gear (the cylinders were overhauled in 2008 but may be rusty)
- Fitting a new ‘dimbo’ valve to help preserve the nice new tyres
- Checking all the bow girders and fitting small coil springs to hold the brake blocks
- Fitting the steam heat gauge and testing the steam heat, checking the resistors and radiators
- Fitting the tie bars, adjusting as necessary
- Checking and greasing the handbrake
- Checking all axle boxes and horn guides; removing the horn ties to clean bolts and refit.
We are grateful to all those who have made a donation already but would appreciate any additional or new contributions at this time using the 2242 appeal form or online via the Charities Aid Foundation. We would need to fund this work at some stage so the opportunity having arisen now has precipitated this request as our funds are depleted having paid for the contract work on 6045.
Thank you
Hawksworth Brake Third 2242
October 2019
The Association has been given the rare opportunity to acquire Hawksworth designed Brake Third 2242.
2242 remained in service until January 1966 when it was withdrawn, then converted to departmental use as a staff coach numbered DW150391. It was withdrawn from Cardiff Cathays in 1982 and purchased by the late Dennis Howells. He started the painstaking task of restoration out in the open at Quainton Road. The last twenty years has seen a dedicated team reinstate most of the missing parts and refurbish the exterior and mechanical side. Following Dennis’s sad passing it was offered for sale in the Summer 2019 and following inspection and acceptance from the SVR we agreed to make a formal offer.
The purchase, transport and restoration will cost the Association £30,000. As can be imagined, this will severely depleted our reserves which are much needed to finish Bow-ended Third 4786. Hence this appeal for funds to assist with purchase and movement. Any gifts will be gratefully received.
Collett Mogul 9303
Returning this unique locomotive to steam
April 2019
For the Association’s 50th year, we are launching a fund to return our Mogul to the Collett GWR condition of 9303, having previously run in its 1958 incarnation of 7325 when the weight at the back of the buffer beam was removed to allow operation over a wider network. The extra weight will not be a problem when running on Severn Valley Railway metals or on other heritage railways.
Click here for full details and how to help
Our next project
There is more good news in that the LNER Group who completed Brake Third 25406 in 2016 and moved on to the overhaul of GW 'Toad' Brake Van 17410 have agreed to progress the conversion of Bow Ended Third 5043 into a GW Buffet/Invalid saloon. In 1925 the Great Western built 4 Composite Restaurant Cars to diagram H33 for Cross Country Services. These used bow-ended standard underframe and body as the basis.
To make this happen the GW(SVR)A have transferred 5043 to the Holdings Company and taken on Great Western Bow-Ended Third 4786 another bow ended vehicle in return. The GW(SVR)A is progressing the overhaul to go towards a complete 20’s GW set. 4786 being from 1926 will be returned to the fully lined GW livery as found on the 'Toplights'.
Great Western Corridor Third 2426 ex GW Camp Coach previously serving Hampton Loade is now in Bewdley yard acting as a workshop for the repairs to 5043 and 4786 where framework repairs have begun. This second toplight full third will eventually be restored in the fully lined out livery with the ornate garter crest.
HRA Carriage and Wagon competition winner!
November 2015
We are very proud that the restoration of GW Nondescript Saloon 9103 has been awarded the top prize of ‘Overall Winner’ in the Heritage Railway Association’s Carriage and Wagon Competition for 2015.
This is great credit to all our volunteers, all our supporters, and the Bewdley and Kidderminster Carriage Departments, for their dedicated and skilful work restoring 9103 to its original GWR condition.
The award presentation took place on 11th November 2015 at the HRA's AGM, with (left to right) Chris Haynes GW(SVR)A Trustee, Brian Simpson HRA Chairman and
Nick Ralls SVR General Manager. Photo: John Crane.
Web Site Updates
Current GW(SVR)A Restoration Projects
Garter Crest Transfers
We have now taken delivery of some 1912 Great Western Garter crest Transfers plus arms and wing.
They are for sale at £100 each and have been professionally made to the highest standards a culmination of work by Bob Timmins, Mick Haynes and Butchers Printed Products.
Please email with how many you require. On receipt of the correct cheque then they will be available for collection from Bewdley. Enquiries tel 07733 310 060.
Cheques made out to Great Western (SVR) Association and sent to Dave Massey, 72 Shakespeare Drive, Offmore Farm, Kidderminster DY10 3QY
Note that gold leaf is applied separately as is the small amount of chocolate brown before applying the transfer.
Previous GW(SVR)A Restoration Projects
Out and about 2009
Out and about 2008
Severn Valley Railway C&W Projects
Out and about 2007
Out and About - 2006
Out and About - 2005
Out and About - 2004