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Great Western Rolling Stock

Brief details are given below of the vehicles owned or partially owned by the Association. Our aim is to create two operational sets of appropriate Great Western Passenger Rolling Stock to recreate the authentic atmosphere of the 30's and 40's on the Severn Valley line.


7325The Great Western 4300 class 2-6-0 Moguls were introduced in 1911 and were designed for mixed-traffic use. These versatile locomotives could be seen all over the Great Western system working a wide variety of passenger and freight trains. Production continued for 21 years with a total of 342 locomotives being built. The final batch, which included our locomotive 9303, was built in 1932. In 1958 it was renumbered 7325.

It was purchased for preservation in 1974 from Barry scrapyard in South Wales. Since its last period of use 7325 spent some time on display in the STEAM Museum at Swindon before returning to the SVR to be exhibited in the Engine House at Highley, while awaiting its turn in the overhaul queue. It is currently (2021) stored in Kidderminster Carriage shed pending a move to Bridgnorth when it can be accommodated.

The Saloons 9055, 9369 and 9103

The pride of our carriage collection is undoubtedly our three Great Western Saloons 9055, 9369 and 9103. These unique carriages help chart the history of a fascinating and unusual facet of railway history. The saloons were designed for private hire use – for all kinds of group outings and excursions. They consisted of two open passenger saloons, one standard passenger compartment, two lavatories and a small guard’s compartment, with a corridor running down the full length of one side. Built in 1912, 1923 and 1929 respectively, they show the development of Great Western carriage construction throughout George Jackson Churchward’s tenure as Chief Mechanical Engineer (9055-9369) and on into the era of Charles Collett (9103).

Designer Type of Vehicle Present Condition
89 1908 10/08 to 8/60 Churchward Riding Van Under restoration at Bewdley
141 1908 8/08 to 8/60 Churchward Breakdown Van In use as stores
650 1940 4/40 to 3/65 Collett Brake Third (Excursion) Restored
829 1947 5/47 to 10/66 Hawksworth Full Third Restored
1086* 1938 3/38 to 4/65 Collett Full Third Restored
1087 1938 3/38 to 8/65 Collett Full Third Awaiting repairs
1116* 1938 6/38 to 8/65 Collett Full Third Restored
1145 1922 3/22 to 8/60 Churchward Passenger Brake Restored, in use as the Association's Shop at Bewdley
1257 1927 8/27 to 10/59 Collett Siphon G Restored but undergoing frame repairs in Bewdley yard.
1399 1918 12/18 to 10/59 Churchward Milk Brake Restored, in use as the Station Shop at Bewdley
2119 1949 1/49 to late 67 Hawksworth Full Third Overhaul started at Bewdley
2242 1950 11/50 – 1/66 Hawksworth Brake Third Under restoration (completing the work done by Dennis Howells)
2426 1910 1/10 to 5/52 Churchward Toplight Full Third Under restoration at Bewdley
3930 1914 11/14 to 11/54 Churchward Toplight Full Third Restored
4786 1926 3/26 to 2/60 Collett Bow-ended Full Third Restored although still to be placed on its own bogies.
5883 1934 5/34 to 12/62 Collett Brake Third Restored
6045 1928 5/28 to 9/61 Collett Bow-ended Composite Restored
6562 1938 2/38 to 4/66 Collett Brake Composite Restored
6913 1934 6/34 to 12/62 Collett Brake Composite Restored
7284 1941 3/41 to 4/65 Collett Composite Restored
9055 1912 11/12 to 11/55 Churchward Nondescript Saloon Restored
9103 1929 3/29 to 9/61 Collett Nondescript Saloon Restored
9369* 1923 3/23 to 11/58 Churchward Nondescript Saloon Restored
107291 1935 - Collett Macaw B Restored
* Owned by members

Current Restoration Project

The current main project is the restoration of the line’s oldest vehicle, Churchward ‘Toplight’ Full Third 2426 - which is our biggest challenge yet!

Completed at Swindon Works in January 1910 to Diagram C30, Lot 1167 (one of 14 built). It has
accommodation for 64 passengers in eight compartments with toilets at the each end. It lasted in ordinary service until May 1952 when it was converted for use as a ‘Camp Coach’. Compartments were removed for the installation of a kitchen area, sleeping and living accommodation. It was renumbered W9918W. In 1967 it was used as a departmental S&T vehicle before withdrawal at Swindon in 1972.

It was purchased by the Severn Valley Railway Holdings Company in 1972 for use as volunteer sleeping accommodation until 2016. The Association acquired the vehicle in 2002 and moved the carriage to Kidderminster Carriage Shed to dry out before transferring to our restoration base at Bewdley in 2017.

The overhaul commenced in 2022 with framework repairs and underframe painting. Funding is needed for the heavy framework repairs (£50k), manufacturing the many missing fittings (upholstery £20k, others £25k), roof repairs (£20k), overhaul of the bogies (£20k) and making the many intricate moldings that make it such an attractive carriage. On completion, it will take its place in the GWR ‘Toplight’ set to complement the other

Further details can be found on the 2426 appeal page.

The extensive restoration of 1926 built Collett bow-ended third 4786 is nearing completion with just the bogies and final mechanical set-up to finish.

Anyone wishing to lend a hand should e-mail info@gw-svr-a.org.uk or phone Mick Haynes on 07733 310 060 or visit us in Bewdley yard on Wednesdays and Saturdays (and other days most weeks). Some restoration work away from the Railway is also possible. New workers are always welcomed, please feel free to join us whether you have any practical skills or not – training is given.

The Great Western (SVR) Association is a Registered Charity No 1078718.


Page created April 2004, last updated: 31 January, 2025 Webmaster