The Bluebell's Dukedog 9017 with a six coach rake of GW(SVR)A stock passing the truncated Stourport branch. Photo: Michael Howard.

Small Prairie 5526 from the South Devon Railway takes the 4 coach local portion of the 'Cambrian Coast Express' from Bewdley to Kidderminster. Photo Tom Clarke.

Dukedog 9017 double heads with 3440 City of Truro south of Bewdley. Photo: Tom Clarke.

Both the GWR double frame 4-4-0's 9017 Earl of Berkeley and 3440 City of Truro depart Bewdley. Photo: Tom Clarke.

A classic branch line scene as 5526 and auto coach 228, both from the South Devon Railway, trot pass Bewdley South Signal Box with the Bewdley to Kidderminster shuttle service. Photo: Tom Clarke.

Dukedog 9017 was paired with GWR stock as much as practical over the weekend. Here it is approaching Orchard crossing on Friday afternoon with six GW(SVR)A coaches comprising three toplights, two Colletts and, nearest the loco, the Hawkesworth. Photo: Tom Clarke.

Further shades of the Cambrian with Dukedog 9017 piloting 7802 Bradley Manor away from Bewdley. Photo: Paul Bennett.

3340 City of Truro with the Thursday afternoon Jazz train - complete with Jazz band in 9055! Photo: Paul Bennett.

Friday evening and 5764 brings ECS from Highley into Arley Station. Photo: Paul Bennett.

The fireman is about to exchange tokens as 7802 rolls the Arley with the Friday evening goods. Photo: Paul Bennett.

Thursday afternoon with much preparation work underway at Bewdley as 3440 passes through with the Highley to Kidderminster Jazz train. Photo: Paul Bennett.

5526 propels the Autotrain into Platform 3 with the shuttle service from Kidderminster. Photo Paul Bennett.

Great Western Dukedog 9017 and 7802 Bradley Manor depart Bewdley - but could be on the Welsh coast! Photo: Paul Bennett.