John Tarrant Memorial Tables
As a memorial to John Tarrant, stalwart and leading light
of the GW(SVR)A, the Association is reinstating
two long mahogany folding tables in his saloon 9369.
October 2005 |

Following the Autumn Gala, 9369 was moved to Bewdley for the tables to be installed - and here they are!
Photos: Colin Jenkins
September 2005 |

With machining complete, the legs have been painted up to top coat.

The table flap hinges machined, polished up and ready to fit. |
June 2005 |

Dave Massey sanding down the tables for
John Tarrant's saloon.

Another coat of varnish. The tables are
coming along well now and, all being well, should
be in by the end of July.

Pete Simpson milling the bottoms of the
table legs in Bewdley machine shop.
