Hawksworth Brake Third 2242 Appeal

The Association has been given the rare opportunity to acquire Hawksworth designed Brake Third 2242. We already own two Hawksworth Full Thirds (829 and 2119) but lack a matching brake vehicle to enable a set to be formed to this distinctive profile. It will also fulfil a particular need on the Severn Valley Railway being able to include a large brake to cater for prams bicycles and baby chairs in Great Western Set 2 releasing Collett Brake 5883 for Great Western Set 1. It is worth noting that each third is from a different manufacturer: 829 Swindon, 2119 Gloucester Carriage & Wagon and 2242 Metro-Cammell.
Under the guidance of FW Hawksworth who had taken over from CB Collett as Chief Mechanical Engineer in July 1941, the carriage draughtsmen at Swindon looked to develop the Collett 1938 stock from 60 feet in length to 64 feet. Lot numbers were issued in October 1944 after Swindon Works was able to reduce its war work. The extra 4 feet allowed the vestibules to be enlarged with compartments widened between partitions. They were to be flat sided with distinctive domed roof ends and bow ended framing at the body ends. They were designed for the body to be built directly onto the underframe, reducing the need for horizontal hardwood members which had become difficult to source. The added advantage was a reduced weight of 2 tons despite being longer. The destination brackets were lowered to the cantrail and the third class compartments were fitted with ‘Holoplast’ enamelled hardboard, finished in cream and dark wood.
The first vehicle was completed in August 1946 to diagram C82 in chocolate and cream livery with the GWR interpretation of ‘Gill Sans’ lettering. 829 was turned out in May 1947 and 2119 in January 1949. Production was slowed by a shortage of materials and workforce such that other builders were instructed by the new British Railways. 2242 was not ready until November 1950, built at Metro-Cammell in Birmingham to diagram D133, Lot 1744. The Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Company built 115 of the diagram with Metro-Cammell constructing twenty all to Swindon design. It has one toilet and four compartments (seating 32) with a large brake. Early use was on express services to Wales, the South and West of England from London and the West Midlands including Cambrian Coast Express and the Bristolian before a move to cross country services when BR Mark 1 carriages proliferated.
2242 remained in service until January 1966 when it was withdrawn, then converted to departmental use as a staff coach numbered DW150391 for use with ballast tamping machines. It was withdrawn from Cardiff Cathays in 1982 and purchased by the late Dennis Howells. He started the painstaking task of restoration out in the open at Quainton Road. The last twenty years has seen a dedicated team reinstate most of the missing parts and refurbish the exterior and mechanical side. Following Dennis’s sad passing it was offered for sale in the Summer with a hint that a suitable bid from the Association would be welcomed. Your Chairman inspected the vehicle and negotiated with Neil Taylor on acceptance with around four to six months work outstanding before it is a runner together with some other conditions which were acceptable. Your Committee agreed to make a formal offer.
The Appeal
The purchase, transport and restoration will cost the Association £30,000. As can be imagined, this has severely depleted our reserves which are much needed to finish Bow-ended Third 4786. Hence this appeal for funds to assist with purchase and movement. Any gifts will be gratefully received.
Download the 2242 appeal leaflet
I would like to make a donation of £ ....................... towards the restoration of 2242. Please make cheques payable to 'Great Western (SVR) Association' and send to Rob Massey - Secretary, 9 Shandon Close, Harborne, Birmingham B32 3XB.
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