GWR Siphon G 1257 Overhaul 2004-2007
Stabled in Bewdley yard for a new roof canvas and various repairs to the end doors and other woodwork.

October 2007 |

The culmination of 3 years work from volunteers and the C&W paid staff, GWR Siphon G 1257 is outshopped ready for this year's Santa duties. 31st October 2007. Photo: Colin Jenkins |

A new door has been built for 1257, seen here in the joinery shop...

...and here, in place on a largely top coated 1257. |

Neil painting the end door.

Although not for use on 1257, castings have been produced for commode handles and door runners from the patterns made in Bridgnorth pattern shop.
September 2007 |
Following the outshopping of Toplight Third 3930, GWR Siphon G 1257 has been moved into the paintshop for the final, more substantial, structural repairs before a full repaint and return to traffic in time for the Santa parcel trains.

Steps removed...

...and old paint stripped.


A large section of Bottom Side member removed...

...Geoff shaping a replacement piece...

...and fitting back in place.
August 2007 |

And now with the tongue & grove paneling in place plus the louvres, and ready for painting. |

Reconstruction of the framework. |
June 2007 |

"It came away in me 'and gov!"... 
...replacing the whole section with new... |

...and the remains of the of the bolts after Colin had removed the steel corner plates. |
May 2007 |

Further replacement to woodwork and louvres... |

... Colin morticing out a replacement section in the joinery shop. |
April 2007 |

Geoff fitting new louvres... 
...completed and primed. |

The doors are slowly being put back into working order - with the long bolts fitted.
March 2007 |
Siphon G 1257 is now back in Bewdley yard after its Santa runs. Work continues on preparation for a re-paint, inside and out.
Here's Danny scraping paint off the inside. |
October 2006 |

After spending the last couple years in the GW(SVR)A scaffold bay 1257 was shunted out and taken down to Kidderminster so it could be checked over prior to doing duty on the Santa parcel train...

Some further work still has to be completed to the louvers and doors before a full repaint.

...suitably hauled by 5764. 30th October 2006.

1257 a few days later at Kidderminster with the Railway's other Siphon G, 2926 and a TPO.
October 2006 |

The Siphon bufferbeam has been descaled... wooden pads fitted... 
Meanwhile, David and Margaret scrap layers of old paint off the inside.

...the buffers cleaned and painted... 
...and the buffers re-fitted.

Photos: Colin Jenkins |
September 2006 |

1257 with the buffers removed so the wooden pads can be replaced... |

...and Alf getting rid of years of ash filled, solid grease. |
June 2006-2 |

The third and final coat is applied on a blistering hot day. |

With the good weather continuing the first coat of white paint goes on the roof. |
June 2006-1
We have taken advantage of a spell of good weather to get the Siphon roof recanvased. The job will lay in abeyance now for a week or so while the goo goes off, then the roof will be painted.

Geoff fixing a hole in the roof. This had been put in during it's time as a departmental vehicle to take a stovepipe.

Geoff, Ken and Mike applying the goo to the roof. This consists of a mixture of linseed oil, pumice paste and a plasticiser. It gets everywhere!!

Colin replacing the edging strips.

Geoff and Ken tacking the canvas down with clout nails.
Photos: Colin Jenkins |
November 2004
Work continues on the roof repair. Here is new timber being replaced by Don Cook. |

September 2004
A new roof canvas has been purchased and the Siphon should move into the recently erected semi permanent scaffolded area for reroofing before the end of the month. |

Pictures show the Siphon being moved from the car park siding to it's position in our scaffold bay. It will probably be there until late spring while the roof is fixed. Don Cook has started stripping off the old canvas and has uncovered a couple of nasties but nothing we cannot fix. |

July 2004
Work in progress on the side doors in Bewdley carpentry shop. |


Now primed and undercoated, the doors have been re-hung. One section of louvers has also been taken down for repair. |