Completed in November 1914 to Diagram C32, Lot 1246.
Churchward third built in 1914. Purchased in 1967 from
Barry. This was among the final toplights to be built with
a number of improvements to the design. It ended its days
on BR as a messing and sleeping van. It lay untouched for
a number years whilst better carriages were restored. It
took five years of work to finally restore it to its original
condition, but the effort has been worth it.
Further Reading: Colin Jenkins wrote a comprehensive
article detailing the restoration of 3930 in Great Western
Railway Journal No27 Summer 1998 (Wild Swan).
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A closer view of the 2007 repaint with destination roof boards, full Churchward period lined livery, garter and supporters. Photo: Colin Jenkins.

3930 at Kidderminster 2004 as part of the
Severn Valley Limited diner. Viewed from the compartment side. Photo: Paul Bennett |
Interior Views
A view along the corridor, this
makes an interesting comparison to the shot below when
first purchased. |
Two views of the
restored compartments. The upholstery has been especially
woven to a 1925 GWR design know as Cauliflower. |
These photos, taken by Colin Jenkins, show some of the
initial restoration work carried out when the coach first
arrived at Bewdley back in 1969.

A view
down the corridor of 3930 when first purchased at Barry
directly from departmental service. 1967. |

One of the surviving original compartment
doors. 1969.

A view
through(!) a compartment. A surviving heat valve can
just be seen on the compartment wall. 1969. |

Three of the 8 compartments
and a toilet had been removed to create a mess area,
the other five compartments remained as dormitories.
Here work is in hand replacing the missing compartments.

Work in
hand repairing the frame work and end panelling. The
corridor connection had been panelled over in departmental
days. Bewdley 1969. |

By the mid '70s restoration had progressed
far enough for a temporary coat of paint and lettering
to enable it to take part in filming work, this included
the BBC's adaptation of Charles Dickens' The Signalman
with Denholm Elliott first shown Christmas 1976. |