4566 Overhaul
GWR 2-6-2 small prairie is undergoing a very rapid overhaul, mainly at Bridgnorth with some work also at Bewdley.
Following overhaul, the boiler was lifted back in the frames 23rd August. Colin Harsley captured the proceedings on camera.

4566 at Bridgnorth shed Summer 1991. Photo Paul Bennett. |
November 2006 |
Here's a sight for sore eyes! After a bit of a set back when first steam, here's 4566 at Bewdley taking water during its steam trials. If all continues to go well now, the loco is scheduled to appear at this weekend Santa trains - as reported on svr.co.uk.
Absolutely marvelous!!

Potos: Colin Jenkins. 29th November 2006

October 2006 |

Every more complete, the cab roof is lowered into position, Friday 13th October.
Right is the
brake valve for 4566. The lower portion has been made from a brand new set of SVR castings, the upper portion is completely refurbished.
Photos: Brian Oldford |

September 2006 |

Saturday 23rd September, with side tanks on. Elsewhere in the boilershop the superheater elements were being hydraulically tested before fitting in the boiler. |

The splendid new Dean style buffers. Photo: Paul Bennett
As well as taking the trouble get the buffers right, 4566 will be authentic in otherways besides. Boilershop Foreman, Graham Beddoes, has been studying pictures of 45XXs to make sure he got the bolts securing the smokebox to the saddle the right way round - nuts on the inside! Most SVR engines have the nuts on the outside as they are easier to knock through the holes if a bit tight, easier to tighten up, don't get so much corrosion and the heads inside give marginally less obstruction when raking out the smokebox. But No! Not accurate enough! Swindon did it the other way, presumably to look tidier, so now 4566 will be correct - with nuts on the inside! The bolts heads can just be seen on the photo below. |

Smokebox now riveted to the boiler and bolted to the saddle, most of the cladding on and the cab ready in the foreground. Although looking more complete by the day there's still a lot to do, and much of it fiddly and time consuming so thoughts of an appearance at the Autumn gala are probably rather optimistic... |

... but side tanks are ready, with the sacred words applied! They were painted by Colin Astbury hidden far away right at the far end of Kidderminster carriage shed and were returned to Bridgnorth fully painted. Woe betide the guy who puts a scratch in the paint when lifting them onto the engine!! Photos: Mark Bradshaw, 2nd September.
August 2006 |

The boiler is now fitted to the frames. The tanks are being moved to Bridgnorth this week so expect the engine to look much more complete very soon.

The new smokebox should be rivetted onto the barrel this week. Photos: Mark Bradshaw, 26th August. |

With the boiler work complete, followed by the hydraulic and steam tests, the chassis was shunted into the boilershop and the boiler lowered into the frames. Here the cladding is being reassembled, 25th August. |

A new smoke box has been rolled and fitted although still needs riveting to the boiler. The new Dean style buffers are also fitted. Photos: Brian Oldford. |
June 2006 |

The Boilershop apprentices at Bridgnorth have a nice fabrication job to keep them busy - constructing a new ashpan. |
April 2006 |

The boiler work is progressing at a cracking pace. Side stay replacement underway, 23rd April 2006. |

4566 back on it's wheels at Bridgnorth loco. Photographed 2nd April. 
The rolling chassis looking very complete. 
Work is progressing on the boiler overhaul in the boilershop but still much to do. Most of the new steel and copper stays have been replaced on the backhead. 
The throat plate marked up to show the position of the different length stays. 
A view between the inner and outer firebox looking from the foundation ring to the fire hole. The inner, copper, plate is on the left and the outer, steel, on the right.

A week later 4566 and 7812 had been shunted out to give Taw Valley access to the lifting jacks. Photo: Colin Jenkins 
The new front tubeplate has been riveted in. 
Just a few hundred stays to go...

Close up of the backhead showing where the steel stay holes have been bushed out and then reamed, tapped and the stays fitted. The top row are larger diameter copper. Photos: Paul Bennett |
February 2006 |
At Bridgnorth, 4566 now has it's bunker and most of it's motion fitted and awaits it's boiler prior to final reassembly. The painting of the side tanks is finished and were last seen at Kidderminster on a flat wagon waiting to go to Bridgnorth.


Following machining, the new buffers castings receive a coat of paint. Photos: Colin Jenkins |
December 2005

The loco is now back on its wheels at Bridgnorth and at Bewdley work continues on the bunker and side tanks. Photos: Bill Sharman

New patterns for the buffers have been made by Gordon Woodruff at Bridgnorth. Bill Sharman has taken a sequence of photos showing the casting. |
September 2005

The boiler lying on its side for crown stay replacement. Both the copper tubeplate and doorplate have been removed for repair.

The cracks in the frames have been welded up and the horn blocks riveted back in place. The axle alignment guides can also be seen to ensure all is parallel and square.

The retyred wheels have been machined to the correct profile and are ready to go back beneath the frames. |
June 2005
As part of this overhaul the 4566 Group are reinstating the original Churchward style tapered buffers. We will need to have a pattern made unless anyone know of the whereabouts of a couple castings. Can you help? Is so please contact the 4566 Group c/o Bewdley Station or email.

John Upton machining new buffers for 4566, these are turned down from old Mk 1 buffers.


Work continues at Bewdley, here's Jim and Mike repainting the side tanks.

Photos from Colin Jenkins. |
April 2005

The stripped down frames on the lifting jacks.

Front horn blocks removed to enable cracks in the frames to be welded up.

Many shiny bits in the paint shop! |

Boiler receiving the treatment in the boilershop with foundation ring out and side stay replacement underway.

The wheels have been retyred but await reprofiling.

Meanwhile at Bewdley the side tanks, bunker and cab receive attention.
September 2004
4566 waits at Bewdley after being shunted out from long term storage in the back siding. Next stop Bridgnorth works! Photo: Bill Sharman |
