650 Restoration
GWR Corridor Composite 6045 is now the GW(SVR)A's main restoration project running concurrently with the completion of 650.
650 Brass Castings
650 Interior |
October 2015 - 2 |
Three further photo's of the Collett Open Excursion Brake 650 Special run on Sunday 11th October.

Photos: Dave Smith |

October 2015

Collett Open Excursion Brake 650 leaving Kidderminster works yard finally complete on 8th October and ready for the Special Train run on Sunday 11th October to celebrates its launch into service.

650 carrying passengers again after a 50 year wait.

The special train setting back into Highley with 4566 carrying appropriate
reporting number.
Photos: Bob Massey
September 2015 - 3 |

Work continues in Kidderminster carriage works, with 650 now sitting on its proper bogies.

The new batteries are all installed. |
Eric (underneath) and Chris adjusting the brakes north end bogie.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
September 2015 - 2 |
The dynamo and vacuum cylinders are now in place.


September 2015 |

650 is now in Kidderminster carriage works and has had its steam heat tests completed. Work is now concentrating on the vacuum system making the brake beams work freely before mounting the overhauled vacuum cylinders. Then the dynamo and pull rods will be fitted before testing the vacuum and electrics. |

July 2015 - 3

650 looking splendid fresh from Bewdley paintshop. Next stop Kidderminster carriage works for lifting on to its own bogies and the fitting of
the vacuum cylinders and dynamo. And then testing and commissioning the electrics,
steam heat and vacuum systems. Photos: Bob Massey |
Views of the interior of 650 with curtains and carpet installed, and the fan wired up with its switch. Photos: Bob Massey


Ju;y 2015 - 3 |

View along the coach, now varnished.

650 now almost complete.
650 will leave the paintshop next week to go up to Kidderminster for lifting to
install its own bogies and the fitting of
the vacuum cylinders and dynamo. Testing and commissioning the electrics,
steam heat and vacuum systems will follow.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
July 2015 - 2 |
Visitors to this weekend's Peep Behind The Scenes are in for a treat!

650 in finishing coat in Bewdley paintshop.

The Kidderminster end is now varnished.

An earlier shot of 650 in finishing coat before the lining was applied.
A date for the dairy - we are planning a special train on the 11th October 2015 to launch 650 into traffic. Tickets will be available soon.
Photos: Mick Haynes |

The GWR roundal in position.

Door with letter and coach number added.

The first fan in position...

... and a close up of the fan. |
July 2015 - 1 |

650 coach is now in undercoat, here Colin is coating the gutter.

The railway side is also in undercoat and Dave is out of picture undercoating the gutter on this side. |

Brian in front of the undercoated end of 650. Note the flood!

The fans for 650 are ready for painting.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
June 2015 |

650 in Bewdley paintshop with the town side gutters in place and stopping almost complete and ready for flatting.

650 viewed from the railway-side also with gutters completed. |

The south end in undercoat.
Photos: Mick Haynes
May 2015 |
650 is now in Bewdley paintshop having its gutters installed and all areas rubbed down ready for stopping.

650 with its gutters being reinstated.

The north end rubbed down. |

Dave Massey preparing 650's west side for stopping.

The south end rubbed down and filling commenced.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
April 2015 - 2 |

We have now installed the correct pattern of seat numbers in 650. The wall ones are in gold with a black outline...

...and the seat ones are in shaded gold. |

We have also located the correct pattern soap dishes and fitted them in each of the toilets. With photographer Haynes reflected in the mirror!
650 is now in Bewdley paintshop for final external painting and fitting of the gutters and the droplights. We look forward to the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis later in the summer!
We are planning a special train to launch 650 into traffic later in the year - watch this space!
Photos: Mick Haynes |
April 2015 |

The luggage van with the floor now painted.

The guard's van also with the floor painted.
Photos: Mick Haynes |

The guards van fire extinguishers installed.
January 2015 |
Work has concentrated in three areas. The first is the fans for each end of the saloon. These are being made from patterns based on the ones bought from the United States.

Here's the kit of parts. A modern 24v fan motor is being included.
The second is the carpet for the centre of the saloon floor. This is ready but will not be installed until the tables have been completed.

The third area has been the frame for inside the battery boxes to hold the new smaller batteries firmly in place. This is now being painted prior to installation.
The two vacuum cylinders have been overhauled ready for when the coach enters Kidderminster after the external painting at Bewdley. |
November 2014 |

The lights are now fully installed and working.

The small shades are now installed and the pattern looks goods against the panel marquetry.

The toilets with newly fitted mirrors. |

The mirrors and one of the first four tables installed. The fan has arrived from USA for modification before installation at end of saloon.

Another view of the table mirror and small globes.
Meanwhile at Kidderminster the previously overhauled bogies are being prepared ready to go under 650. Not long to go now! And our thoughts are already turning towards the next project; Collett corridor composite 6045.
November 2014 |

The reupholstered seat bases are going in along with the GWR etched glass fitted between the two saloons. Much effort
has gone into matching the colours in the lino
and the result looks fantastic!

The curtain tie-backs in place. The curtains have been made
by Janet Haynes after success in finding the
appropriate material thanks to Bob
Timmins’s know-how about curtains.
Photos: Mick Haynes

Harry Devey has completed the
construction of all 10 tables, these are now being covered with 'American' cloth.

A closer view of upholstered Guard's seat.

And time for a cuppa!
October 2014 |
The lino is down and seats are going in. The luggage van has received its final colour.

The end vestibule view with the new lino laid.

The view from the toilet vestibule.

The lino installed and the seats going in.

The luggage van now in final colour.

The luggage van looking towards the sliding external door.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
September 2014 |
Work has concentrated on finishing the Guard’s Brake Van, preparing the floor for the lino and finishing off the walls in both saloons. The seat numbers and other transfers have been fixed in place, in their
final position.
The lino tiles have been manufactured and just delivered to Bewdley.
The arm rests have been re-upholstered along with the first seat back.
The vacuum and steam heat gauges are back in the Guard's Van.

The large saloon with final varnish and, if you look closely, you can see the seat numbers.

The final varnish and a sample curtain in place.

The vacuum brake setter, guards oven and electrical cupboard all now complete.

The lino has arrived, here is one of the 242 specially manufactured tiles.

Fire extinguishers ready for installation and steam heat gauge installed.

Graining on the north wall of the van.

The sliding door between the guard's van and the luggage van in place and grained.
Photos: Mick Haynes
August 2014 |
An example of Bob Timmins’ excellent graining work in the Gaurd's Van - looking though into the saloons with the electrical cabinet on the left. |


The armrests have been de-tacked ready for the new upholstery.

Plywood back for the guard's seat.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
One of the new tables now varnished and ready for the green cloth.

One of the new curtains. |
July 2014 |

All the seating has now been made and fettled to fit.

The toilet floor and fittings installed.

Dave, finishing fitting the final table hinges and legs.

The droplights ready to go back in.

The luggage van doors grained and varnished.

The toilet doors now rehung.

The toilet - now complete.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
May 2014 |

Colin Jenkins on a visit back to the UK and trying out the new seats.

The tables are receiving their hinges, 4 out 10 complete so far.

The north end door in place and the emergency cupboard being painted red.
Photos: Mick Haynes |

We have to make six new seat bases, here is the cage for one.

Colin offers up the GW style waste bin in the toilet.

The toilet lower walls are now grained.
April 2014 |

All the luggage racks now have their nets in place.

The toilet flush cover has been completed and all plumbed in.

Both corridor canvasses are now installed.
Photos: Mick Haynes

The partition seat ends with the support handles installed.

The Guards van receiving base colour prior to graining.

The door jams now upholstered. |
March 2014 |

The first trial fitting of the seats and brass hand support, you can also see that the seat supports along the walls are not fitted.

Both toilets are now stained and varnished and the walls are fully in place.

The newly installed water tank kerbs ready to receive the tank. |

The running boards fully painted. The axle box inspection flaps still have to be fitted on the north end but they are waiting to be cast and machined first.

The gangway connections are now hung and the canvasses will be fitted shortly.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
February 2014 |

The luggage racks going in...

...with some very nice netting - thank you Stewart!

A view of the main saloon. |

The first toilet seat complete and ready for stripping and varnishing.

The footboards made and awaiting painting.
Photos: Mick Haynes
December 2013 |

Window mouldings now in place and varnished.

Corridor connections have now been cleaned, painted and mouldings made and being painted

We have lights and the art deco shades in place in the main saloon.

The toilet fittings are in progress, somewhere to sit for a rest!

The toilet has light and window mouldings in.

The first luggage rack poles are going in - note the mahogany lining to the ceiling panels

A drawing of the original lino pattern which we are now trying to have made. They were fitted to all dining vehicles from 1920s until 1940s.
Photos: Mick Haynes
October 2013 |

The new marquetry - small panels.

The new marquetry - large panels.

Painting of the Guard’s compartment and now ready for graining.

Two views of newly fitted trim in the small saloon.

The nearly complete electrical cupboard.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
July 2013 |
We are now making progress with both saloons and the remaining mahogany is on order.

The toilet compartment is being varnished.

The small saloon trim is going in...

...as is the trim in the main saloon...

...and the guards van painting started.
Photos: Mick Haynes |
June 2013 |
Amongst other areas, we have been concentrating on the trim in the toilet compartments. It is a pseudo art deco style.

The view of the wall next to the saloon with the toilet to be installed on the right. Woodwork will be varnished mahogany and birch ply with scumbling below the waistline.

The corner washbasin and the wall next to the vestibule.

The corner wall - again with mahogany blockwork.
Photos: Mick Haynes

View into west toilet compartment with all paneling in place. The panels above waist level will be varnished. The lower ones (in pink undercoat) will be scumbled. Photo: Gareth Price.

The first pieces of mahogany trim in the main saloon - the art deco style door surround, looking into the virtually completed corridor between the toilets. Photo: Gareth Price.
Both 650 and 9103 will be open for the forthcoming Peep Behind The Scenes event on 20th July. |
April 2013 |

The newly installed washbasins in 650 – we are now fitting the trim in the toilets.

The new tops to the inside of the external doors. |
February 2013 |

The mahogany architrave temporarily place between the ceiling and the walls in the saloon which will support the luggage racking.

Looking from the south end vestibule of the corner including the re-instated original toilet door.

The corridor outside the loos which has been our main effort – showing the trim and new toilet door hung in position.

The re-hung door in the centre vestibule. We are now finishing off all the vestibules and the washbasin area before concentrating back on the inside of 9103.
January 2013 |

The trim in the end vestibule.

The trim made up for the middle vestibule. Note also the rail for the sliding door and its new pelmet. |

The framing which goes in the toilet behind the washbasin.

The new trim going in outside the toilets
The heating grills are now complete and waiting spraying and the luggage rack castings are being fettled. |
November 2012 |
We continue rebuilding 650's interior.

The steam heat piping and metal covers in place – the cast grills are being made currently.

The interior of the one toilet where we are now preparing for the wash basin and its framework.

The completed ceilings in the saloon. Now in undercoat white. |
October 2012 |
Since 650 vacated the paint shop at Bewdley
in February much activity continues rebuilding the interior:

The new pelmets.

The mahogany trim which goes behind the luggage racks.

The centre partition which is being re-instated.

New steel grills which cover the steam heat pipes under the seats.

The new seat frames.

The new toilet door to replace the missing one.

The first of the new ceiling panel which is being made up from to sheets to achieve the right size.
August 2012 |
These photos were taken at the Peep Behind the Scenes weekend by Rob Massey, showing the continued good progress on 650. Meanwhile 9103 is now in Kidderminster workshop where the full time team have completed the brake rigging and adjusted bogie heights. Next they will work on the steam heat and the brake cylinders.

The saloon interior with seat frame installed as starting point for constructing internal partition.

The van end with trunking and roof framing painted.

Externally the destination board brackets have been installed on both sides.
July 2012 |
Colin Jenkins has visited for a month and much research has gone into the exact construction of the internal partition in 650's saloon. We hope to commence its construction very soon.
The installation of new steam heating is progressing well with Keith in charge, and Dave is beginning to varnish the newly made pelmets. A new toilet door has been made to replace the one missing.
We also hope to have 9103 back into the workshops at Kidderminster from August to complete the bogies, underframe, and steam heat.

The completed electrical trunking and new light base in the luggage van. |

The new electrical wiring running along the saloon ceiling - Graham has now completed the south end and the saloon.

The new seat frames which are being made based on the one decent original we have. You will also see the galvanised steel which we go behind the steam heat pipes. |
May 2012 |
A few images of the recent progress on 650.

The guard's seat base frame and heater.

The ceiling exposed to take the new wiring. |

The completed electrical cupboard.
April 2012 |

The luggage end sliding door has been re-hung.

The new electrical cupboard in the Guard's Van with framework and the shelves in place.

New partition installed.

Toilet walls under repair.

The Guard's area going together - this was completely missing before.

The new Guard's cupboard and vacuum setter. |
February 2012 |

650 now stands in Bewdley yard showing off its new protective brown paint scheme, complete with numerals and GWR 'shirtbutton' roundel.

View of guard's compartment showing the stripped down tongue & groove boarding and the partition between the guard's door and where the guard's seat will be reinstated.

The east side of guard's compartment showing sections where the T&G boarding needs replacing. The four long timbers will become the uprights for the electricity regulator cupboard which will be reinstated in this corner once the repairs to the T&G is complete.

The inside of luggage van showing original T&G boards after stripping. The framing which will contain the sliding door into the guard's compartment can be clearly seen on the partition wall, with the door itself propped up on the left. The whole of the east side needs the T&G panelling replacing.

The partition between passenger saloon and vestibule with the rotten sections of tongue & groove boarding removed.

The partition wall between the guard's compartment and luggage van with the original T&G boarding stripped of several layers of paint.

The new T&G partition wall between guard's compartment and vestibule. A second layer of boards will be added to this (guard's) side, with the planks oriented horizontally for added strength. The guard's desk will be reinstated in this corner with letter rack on the wall above and seat to the right. The shaft of the hand brake can be seen on the floor waiting to be installed at a later date.
December 2011 |
There has been good progress on 650 over the last month.

The exterior has been painted in all over brown and the ends black ready to go outside in the New Year. The floor is down in the saloon, the Guards van and the Luggage van and is almost ready in the two toilets and the south end vestibules. The main frame has been cleaned and painted. Next we plan to begin on the interior of the Guards Van rebuilding the electrical cupboard.

November 2011 |
650 is now back in the paintshop for a little more contract work on the floor and windows.

This is a view down into the floor of the saloon with new cross members and gusset corners being installed before the floor is finally screwed down.

The west side of 650 now with the sliding windows and large side windows installed.

The painted underneath of the floorboards before fitting. |
September 2011 |

Two shots of the new floor in 650 during the exhibition for the Behind the Scenes event.

March 2011 |
The east side is now complete with the new roof edge and doors. Work continues with the window frames and the roof cappings - it is expected to leave the paintshop in April.

East side roof edge and window sliding quarter lights.

South end corner cappings.

The window frames.
February 2011 |
The east side paneling is progressing well.

And the last section of cantrail (or top rail) is now in place - all the east side cantrail has now been renewed.

January 2011-2 |
Good news! The SVR Guarantee Board has approved our request for support towards 650 ongoing east side repair, so should allow completion of bodywork and repanelling of the east side and ends. Any contributions towards the 650 Appeal are still very welcome though!

The first panels going on east side...

...and all east side doors are now re-built.

Progress on main stringer repairs - knee irons now in place...

...and the north end corner repair is now complete.
December 2010-3 |

Further progress on the body framework and some side panels... |

...and with the doors on the west side.
December 2010-2 |

Work on the east side repairs are progressing well. Main stringer and cantrail repairs are underway around the both sides of the Guard's compartment. |
December 2010-1 |

The re-panelled west side which is pretty well complete. The new roof edge is also in place. |

Work has now begun on the east side with repairs to the top cant rail and knee irons. All the panels have been removed and some are even reusable! |
November 2010 - 2 |
With the framework complete, new body panels are now being made and fitted.
There's also an updated on SVR Engineering.

November 2010 - 1 |
The contract repairs to the framework is continuing in SVR workshops.

The first new panel.

Old paneling removed to allow access to the framework. |

West side view of repaired bottom and top stringers around the Guard's compartment.
October 2010 |
With full time staff at work on this project work is cracking on! Many of the minor repairs to the wooden frame work have already been completed but more substantial re-building is underway around the guard's compartment.
Any additional help towards this project will be gratefully received!


September 2010 |
650 has been moved to Bewdley and will enter the Bewdley workshop to be assessed for contract work to make it watertight.
We have taken this opportunity to fill a gap in the their work programme. Once assessed and costed we will agree a specific set of work to bring the coach up to a watertight condition. Hopefully the Bewdley C&W paintshop volunteers will also enjoy working on this vehicle.
The amount of work undertaken will clearly depend on funding available so we would be very grateful for any contribution to the 650 appeal to take advantage of this opportunity and help return this useful coach back into traffic.

650 arriving at Bewdley Station 29th September 2010 |
October 2007 |

Keith Scott repositioning the activating bars on the brake shaft for 650. |
September 2007-2 |
The handbrake assembly, made by Keith Scott, bolted up to the underframe. |
September 2007-1 |

The brake shaft and vac cylinder going up on 650. 
The new battery box stretchers. |

The two new longitudinals in place, bolted up and ready for riveting. |
August 2007-3 |

650 having it's luggage van doors fitted.

August 2007-2 |
We have finished riveting the solebars and have now cut out the defective longitudinals.

Carriage lifted to do the queenposts...

...the defective longitudinals in place... |

...Eric had burning out the rivets...

..and on the floor after Colin had knocked them out. |
August 2007 |

Rivets in 650 underframe prior to rivetting...

...Eric peening them over... |

...Colin heating them up... 
...and the finished result. This completes one end, the other end and then the queen posts will follow. |
July 2007 |

Brake gear components cleaned up and ready to go on the coach. Busy burning old bits off and cleaning underframe currently. |

650 has moved into Kidderminster carriage works to have the underframe riveted up plus other work as a contract job by the SVR.

Bent longitudinals to be cut out and replaced. |

Battery box bearer burned off at gusset plates, a legacy from having its underframe stripped when taken out of service and lifted onto Kerne Bridge station platform.
Previously |

Currently stored inside Kidderminster carriage shed, 650 is likely to be the next carriage in the restoration programme following on from 9103.

Replacement trussing has been built for the underframe. The completed frame work is in place and awaits final riveting.
Some parts have been sourced and are in store to rebuild the art deco style interior. |
Further brass fittings and parts for the interior have been obtained and manufactured. |
Some repanelling and frame repairs have already been undertaken. This work was mainly carried out while stored at Foley Park sugar beet factory. |

Currently resting on temporary accommodation bogies, its own are under overhaul in the mechanical shop at Kidderminster.

New pins and bushes have been manufactured for the brake rigging.

Work continues on the overhaul of the bogies. Kidderminster mechanical shop, June 2004. |