The all but complete Guard's compartment with the new large vertical steam heat radiator behind the hand brakes, steam gauge, brake setter and vacuum gauge...

New ashtrays have also been made. These fit under the roof ventilators preventing any wayward cinders entering the roof space.

...along with one of the finishing touches here, new grab handles.

The first of the new stainless steel watertanks has been fabricated. The south end tank will now be removed to act as a pattern for another stainless steel tank - they are not the same!

Close up the outlet pipe showing the extended union which allows the pipe to be connected without dismantling half the toilet ceiling! |
Work is progressing on the roof 9103 with first two large panels removed.

Two views over the compartment side... 
...and one over the corridor side. |

Old holes have been drilled out and plugged on the roof hoops...

...and along the top stringer.

The water tank cavity...

...and the water tank itself. |
With the coach now in the scaffold bay we have started in earnest on the roof repair.
The first 3 panel have been stripped and roof hoops removed. The water tank has been removed and stripped and the wooden supports removed for new ones to be made. The ventilators support pads have also been removed for new ones to be turned.
We are now preparing the initial two roof panels for lifting to examine the roof timbers but all looks in good condition so far.
In order to prevent leaking we will be pop riveting new galvanised panels over the joins. |

The interior of the saloons is progressing well. |