Over the last few months progress has continued:
The south end painting has been completed up to finishing coat and the the corridor canvass to be re-instated. The canvass was supplied by the Dart Valley Railway and fitted quite smoothly. The frame has also been fitted with Great Western style pullman adaptors.
All the seats bases and backs have now been upholstered and considerable work has gone into the final adjustments, particularly where the widths are having to be reduced accommodate the side upholstery. The final single seat pads have also been made up and hopefully it will not be long before all the upholstery is in place.
The guard's compartment has received detailed attention in setting up the steam heat and vacuum systems. The vacuum setter needed rebuilding and the steam heat inlet piped to the gauge and then the covering long wooden frame made. The new under seat and vertical radiators were machined and piped in.
Pete Simpson has been carefully machining the Steam Heat Radiators drilling and threading each end to take the inlet and outlet pipes. Work continues on the fitting and installation of the compartment heaters.
The tables are being rubbed down and varnished ready for installation and the door bump stop parts successfully cast to the pattern shown below.

With Siphon G 1257's roof repairs complete 9103 has been shunted into the scaffold cage so it's own roof repairs and water tank replacement can be carried out. |

The seat ends are being varnished. This taller one is for the double seats adjacent to the interconnecting door between the two saloons... 
Brake valve and gauge installed in the Guard's compartment.

Some of the many fittings still to be installed. |

...and this smaller one for the long bench seats. 
Priming the body has been completed and the accessible parts of the underframe and bogies painted chassis black. The steps, grab handles and other fittings have been added to the coach ends.

Recently Hugh McQuade and Colin Jenkins visited Tearne's, the transfer makers, to see about getting some transfers made for 2701, the Great Northern carriage, and others for the interiors of the Toplights. |